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  As you know from the name of the blog, my name is Dottie. I will be 1, on July 26th! My human takes me on adventures almost every day. Whether it is to the park or to the river. The farthest adventure I've been on was to Duluth.   I was scared at first, but my human believes I'm brave, so I am. I used to just whine and cry, but now I sniff around and even enjoy running around the baseball fields!                  As you can see I need to wear clothes, I get cold easy with no hair. I like to wear a certain brand of clothing, it is called Fitwarm. The material is soft, and my long legs are auctually covered. I also need to have sunscreen on, I burn really fast. Funny fact, I can get a farmer's tan! Right now, I go outside "nakey", so I am a dark grey all over my body. This past winter I was a light grey.    Last bit about me until next time, I have a cat cousin named Kuhno. I so enjoy barking at him from the couch and getting him to chase me. In the background you

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